

Read carefully and send us your application.

Before there were DVDs, while today to be formed, everyone points to digital. The problem is that if you are a tattoo artist you have no time to dedicate to sales management, customer responses, invoices requests and especially you are not able to effectively PROMOTE your course. That’s what we do!


Before I give you the good news about earnings percentage, I want to tell you what you are going to do and what we are going to do:

  • YOU: If your application will be accepted you will have to provide a realization of the course/ seminar in the most professional way possible. We recommend the use of at least 2 cameras, one fixed and one in motion. Your target audience are tattoo artists so the quality will have to be good enough otherwise you will not be able to give the right value to your work.
  • US: Once we receive your content we will upload it to our servers, we will create your own protected private area with an exclusive access to customers. We will set up payment methods, we will create for you a certificate of participation for each student, we will answer questions from prospects, assist with sales, carry out invoices to customers, and most importantly we will promote your courses with advanced web marketing strategies. I almost forgot, even the costs for advertising platforms like Facebook, Instagram and Google will be at our expense!

Now let’s talk about earnings. For each sold course your profit will be 60% of the sale. Let’s take a practical example: if the price for your course will be 100€, for each sale you will be entitled to a profit of 60€ . With only 15 courses per month you will earn 900€ having registered the course only once and leaving us do everything else.


Send us your application. Try to give us as much details as possible about your curriculum vitae, your experiences, your style and your social media contacts.

Please login to send your request!
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